Due to Hawaii state liquor laws we do not sell or provide Alcohol
All packages include: Ice, Compostable disposable clear cups, straws, napkins, coolers, set up & breakdown, bar equipment & custom printed drink menu for bar top
Beer, Wine, & Bubbly service (no hard liquor service)
Two Bartenders
Suggested shopping list
Self serve Water Station
Airstream Mobile Bar
General liability insurance
Up to 4 hours of serving time
Beer, Wine, & Bubbly Service
Two Bartenders
Two Signature Cocktails of choice
Suggested shopping list
Mixers & Garnishes for Cocktails
Self serve water Station
Airstream Mobile Bar
General liability insurance
Up to 4 hours of serving time
Add an Additional Hour
Additional Signature Cocktail (not available for the Classic package)
*4 signature cocktails max
Upgrade to glassware
Lounge Seating
*Additional pricing will be added for events with more than 75 guests
Beer, Wine & Bubbly Service
Two Bartenders
Two Signature Cocktails of choice
Suggested shopping list
Mixers & Garnishes for Cocktails
Mixers / Non-Alcoholic Offerings: Coke, Sprite, Diet Coke, Pineapple juice, Cranberry juice, Club Soda, Tonic, Grapefruit juice, Guava juice
Mixology Service for Crafting Cocktails
This includes making additional cocktails outside of your signature such as Vodka + Soda, Rum + Coke, etc. -
Self serve water Station
Airstream Mobile Bar
General liability insurance
Up to 4 hours of serving time